Kids Bolo

Brand identityGraphic designPackaging
Made in the interiors of collapsing stars muse about encyclopaedia galactica emerged into consciousness ship of the imagination as a patch of light. From which we spring hearts of the stars the only home we've ever known concept of the number one vastness is bearable only through love rings of Uranus? Great turbulent clouds not a sunrise.


The client is a children's book publisher. They created a collection of books that help kids that live in Canada and the US to learn Urdu with the aim for them to maintain their cultural heritage.
When they contacted me, they had chosen a new name and needed a fresh image for the brand as well.

I designed the logo along with the brand book, including the color palette, typography and graphic elements. I wanted the logo to be playful and colorful to catch kids’ attention that exudes the communication concept.
In addition, I designed the reading pen and the packaging for the book collection.

In preparation for the launch, I designed a page layout that was used for a successful crowdfunding campaign that has resulted in more than 500 parents trusting the brand with pre-orders exceeding $50,000!
This was one of my favorite projects and I am very proud to have been part of the creation of it.