La Cabra

Brand identityGraphic design
Ovidio is a restaurant located in Belgrano, a nice neighborhood located in the capital of Buenos Aires. Its owner has been in gastronomy for more than 50 years and with Ovidio he pays homage to his Italian origins and to his grandfather, the first gastronomic in the family to bear that name.


Brand identity design for a fashion accessories store.
The founder wanted the brand to be related to her Zodiac sign. I envisioned the color palette and graphics to be inspired by the store’s products as they are striking and characterized by their bright array of colors.

In the brandbook, which includes the logo and the graphic elements of the brand, I included several illustrations to be used as backdrops as well as social media backgrounds.
I loved this project because I had so much freedom to express my ideas. I feel very proud of the outcome.