
Brand identityGraphic design
Ovidio is a restaurant located in Belgrano, a nice neighborhood located in the capital of Buenos Aires. Its owner has been in gastronomy for more than 50 years and with Ovidio he pays homage to his Italian origins and to his grandfather, the first gastronomic in the family to bear that name.


Malabra is a store that sells egg white based products. They relocated the store so took this opportunity to do a rebranding.
The owner is the chef who created these delectable recipes and is behind every detail so I wanted her to be the main focus of the brand.
I wanted the logo to show how these wonderful and unique ideas originated from her imagination. I made the typography accompany the illustration which coexists with the idea of the creative movement.

To find the right style, I initially worked on a moodboard with the owner who provided her references. She had already decided that the predominant color should be black.